Let’s say you have a problem you want to solve, so you go online and do some research. You may find a website that provides details about, and suggested solutions for, your problem. As you read the page and start getting information, you might notice a form to the right with the suggestion that you complete it in order to learn more. Now imagine that you complete this form, hit enter, and then get this ugly message:
“Form submitted”
You will probably start wondering what is really happening. A few questions that may start going through your head include:
And you may conclude with the thought, “Maybe I should go back to the search engine and find another website.”
My point is: the thank you page for your online forms, if not optimized properly, can be disruptive and counter-productive. You can, however, to optimize this page in such a way that it reaches its full potential.
I am a big fan of thank-you pages. Properly executed, they can instill peace in the minds of your leads and can help improve your conversion rate.
For this reason, I would like to introduce you to ways that you can improve your thank you pages.
Let's start with the big idea—the flow. You have to step into your visitors’ shoes and understand how they think and what they're trying to accomplish. There are things that happen and go through their minds before and after they fill out your request form.
This is how the flow usually goes:
#1. Thank your prospective customers for completing the form.
It’s that simple. These potential clients have gone through a lot to get to the point that they actually contacted you, and they have put some faith in your ability to solve their problems. Thank them for that.
#2. Tell your leads what is being done with their information.
First off, let them know that you have received their information. They will want to know that their name, email address and other information has not gone into a black hole or, worse, into a spam database that will be sold to Viagra or Jimmy Cho Shoes or some other unsolicited marketer.
#3. Let them know what will happen next. Your leads will want to know what to expect next. For example, if someone in your office will be contacting them soon, let them know that. Specify when they should expect an email or a phone call. You want to be sure to set the expectations as quickly as possible.
#4. Reinforce something valuable about your company.
I often have clients who want to be known for something but fail to communicate this to their prospects. A thank you page is the perfect place to drive home your strengths and reinforce your message about your business. And the best part is, you can do it right at the beginning of your relationship with your potential customer. For example, if you want to reinforce your value proposition, include a testimonial or two that demonstrate why your customers love you, or why you're a better choice than your competitors.
#5. Give them something to keep. If you will need your prospects to complete a form or read some documentation prior to coming to an appointment, this is a good time to provide the material. Or, if you are going to need specific information from your potential clients during a response phone call from your offices, giving them a checklist now will give them the opportunity to prepare this information. For example, if you are a bankruptcy attorney, give your prospect a new-client bankruptcy questionnaire. You know you will ask them to complete it anyway.
A great benefit of doing this is that your prospects will remember you better. When people have invested time in completing your materials or reading something you asked them to read, they will be more likely to follow through on their transactions with your business.
#6. Be personable.
Take the five steps outlined above and make your messages personable. Make them sound like they came from the owner or the “face” of your company. A person who sees a thank you page as coming from another individual will feel more attached to the person representing your company than they will to a generic non-human website response. This will also help you to stand out among your peers and will enable a better connection with the prospect during future interactions.
A well-done thank you page can make a big impact on your business’s bottom-line, and you should capitalize on this. It is advantageous for your prospects as well, because you will be helping them feel better about themselves and they, in turn, will feel better about your ability to help solve their problems.
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