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4 Law Firm SEO & Content Marketing Mistakes You Are Making

I am sure you are on top of your game for your law firm marketing . There were some recent changes in the search world and there is a high chance that you are making these four mistakes that result in lost opportunities for your firm.

1. Use Press Releases primarily for link-building

Google recently updated its list of what constitutes a link scheme to include the use of links in press releases. This has been a major blow to SEO and link-building experts everywhere. Old press-releases used primarily for link-building must now be cleaned up to avoid Google penalties. Despite the new limitations on how they may be used, there are still ways to create press releases that are beneficial to your business.

The following article provides twelve tips for writing and using press releases to your advantage while avoiding Google’s penalties. It is a must-read for you if you have or plan to use this form of media content as a marketing tool.

Full Post by Lisa Buyer on Search Engine Watch

2.  Create long-form content, but don’t optimize with Google’s in-depth article guidelines

Do you frequently create long-form content that includes detailed reporting? If so, you may benefit from Google’s recent update to include in-depth articles in its search results. This is in response to a recent statistic that showed that approximately 10 percent of all people conducting online searches are looking for this type of content.

The following article provides a great deal of information about how to create in-depth content that will get noticed. It provides detailed information about several important techniques including SEO optimization, proper indexing techniques and the use of a company logo. It also offers tips for creating useful and engaging content.  Read on to learn how you can use in-depth articles to increase your traffic.

Full Post by Demian Farnworth on Copyblogger

3. Don’t perform a self-audit of your web content

Effective web content can generate search engine traffic, bring new potential clients to your page and increase your revenues. Relevant keywords remain an important aspect your content. Do you perform a self-audit of your audit to ensure you get the most out of your existing content?

If not, you need to read this article. It explains in detail how to best use keywords and content to your advantage. It encourages reviewing, and possibly revising, any existing content you have to ensure the optimal use of these keywords. Author Ryan Kettler, Director of Communications at BoostSuite, offers you three easy steps for auditing and making the best use of your existing content to maximize its potential.

Full Post by Ryan Kettler on Duct Tape Marketing

4. Employ negative ranking factors in your Local SEO marketing

There are many things to can do that will affect your SEO rankings in your local area. Unfortunately, some things you may be doing might be having a negative effect. The following article explains in great detail what you should and should not do to increase your local standing so that you can increase your web-visibility in your relevant marketing area.

Author Wesley Young, Vice President of Public Policy at the Local Search Association, gives you the tools you need to audit your current local marketing strategy and optimize it. This is important information if you depend on local traffic to generate revenue for your business.

Full Post by Wesley Young on Search Engine Land

Just knowing about these mistakes will not change anything. You have to course correct and move on. Which mistake have you recently made and what are you planning to do to course correct it? Leave your responses in the comments below.

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